Thursday 19 June 2008

Graziano Fam: You're Not the Victim, Hulk!

In the ongoing battle between the Hogans and the Grazianos to appear more sympathetic, the Graziano family has scored a knockout blow with some actual reality television.
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Last night, Nancy Grace aired exclusive home video of John Graziano -- the victim in all this, lest we forget -- and what it's like for him in his day-to-day life.

Prison doesn't seem so bad now, does it Nick?

See Also

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Joan As Police Woman, To Survive

Joan Wasser experienced nearly every high and low that the music industry and life in general has to offer en-route to the release of her debut album, Real Life, in 2006. The ups hit their pinnacle when she played an integral part of Anthony And The Johnsons' success in 2005, the downs descended to their lowest point when her then-boyfriend, Jeff Buckley, tragically died in 1997. Little wonder then, that Real Life was an album of extreme emotion, topped off with the simply stunning and utterly heartbreaking Eternal Flame.

So the making of the traditionally difficult second album must have seemed a little less daunting to Wasser. Indeed, her only problem seems to have been finding time to actually get into a studio to record it, as the gathering momentum around her career has seen her tour Real Life for the best part of 18 months.

Thankfully, time was carefully managed, and To Survive is everything that a fan of that delicious debut could have hoped for – a piano-led exploration of love and life, that drips with sophistication.

The lead single, To Be Loved, is typical of what's on offer, a slinky downbeat number that slides around your soul, leaving you more than satisfied.

It is, by no means, the only beauty on offer. To Be Lonely is a subtle splendour, Wasser's voice curling around a simple piano melody, while the title track picks up a similar thread, its delicacy adorned with a lick or two of luscious strings.

Elsewhere, Magpies, with its breezy brass and references to Joan of Arc, is a gentle revelation, as is the equally impressive Hard White Wall, a meandering delight that peaks and troughs in thrilling style.

But it is the closing To America that really bursts out of the collection. An opus to her homeland which is at once both indignant and celebratory, it features Rufus Wainwright and could easily stand as a sister piece to his own Going To A Town.

Joan Wasser had plenty to do to equal the brilliance of her debut, but in To Survive, she has done just that, cementing her status as as an intriguing and compelling artist.

See Also

Thursday 5 June 2008

Ulrika Jonsson marries for third time

Television presenter Ulrika Jonsson has spoken of her joy at marrying for the third time.
The 40-year-old presenter, who married advertising executive Brian Monet at the weekend, said: "I don't think I have ever felt happier."
The wedding, which will be featured in Hello! magazine, reportedly took place at Blakes Hotel in London.
Jonsson told Hello!: "We have both been married before. I have three children from previous relationships and I am pregnant. You don't get more modern than that."
"I don't think I have ever felt happier. I don't live my life for the critics and I have three amazing, happy children."
"If I were to listen to people and what they thought, people I don't care about, I would be even more nuts than I am now," she said.
Speaking about her wedding dress, she said: "There is no hope of my being skinny with a bump. If I look like a beached whale, there's nothing I can do about it."
There were only 14 guests in attendance at the ceremony, plus Jonsson's three children. Her fourth baby is due in May.